I've got a funny feeling I'm going to feel stupid after seeing the replies to this.
I've been working with Git for a bit now and only just started using branches. I have a couple of branches: 'experimental', 'something' and 'master'.
I've switched to the 'experimental' branch for example, and started working and testing as I go along. I've now noticed a bug which in my mind is unrelated to 'experimental' and belongs to changes which have been made in 'something'. How should I fix it?
I'm thinking I should switch to 'something', fix the bug, commit and then move back to 'experimental'. However, this bug is also stopping me progressing in 'experimental', so how to I take the minor change from 'something' and apply it to both 'master' and 'experimental' so that when I switch into these branches I don't have to re-fix the bug again?
Thank you in advance!