Hi all,
now i am working with python. So one question about dict .... suppose i have a dict that
config = {'account_receivable': '4', 'account_payable': '5', 'account_cogs': '8', 'accoun
t_retained_earning': '9', 'account_income': '6', 'account_expense': '31', 'durat
ion': 2, 'financial_year_month': 9, 'financial_year_day': 15, 'account_cash': '3
', 'account_inventory': '2', 'account_accumulated_depriciation': '34', 'account_
depriciation_expense': '35', 'account_salary_expense': '30', 'account_payroll_pa
yable': '68', 'account_discount': '36', 'financial_year_close': '2008-08-08'}
if print --> config['account_receivable'] it will return its corresponding value that 4
but i want to access it by that way--> config.account_receivable and then it will return it corresponding value
how i can implement this??? if any one can please help me
BR// nazmul