



This StackOverflow answer has an image of KDiff3 highlighting intra-line differences. Does someone know of a tool which can show the same (ex, via color) on the command line?

Another way to think of this is wanting to diff each difference in a patch file.

+1  A: 

I don't know if this is sufficiently command line for your purpose, but vimdiff can do this (even does colour). See for example this screenshot or the image in this related question.

+1  A: 

You might be able to use colordiff for this.

In their man page:

Any options passed to colordiff are passed through to diff except for the colordiff-specific option 'difftype', e.g.

colordiff --difftype=debdiff file1 file2

Valid values for 'difftype' are: diff, diffc, diffu, diffy, wdiff, debdiff; these correspond to plain diffs, context diffs, unified diffs, side-by-side diffs, wdiff output and debdiff output respectively. Use these overrides when colordiff is not able to determine the diff-type automatically.

I haven't tested it, but the side-by-side output (as produced by diff -y file1 file2) might give you the equivalent of in-line differences.

Mark Rushakoff
Nope, doesn't seem to work
Brian Harris
You can also pipe diff output into colordiff, but I confirm that it doesn't work
Sam Brightman