I'm developing an iPhone app that uses twitter in some fashion and I'm wondering if anyone here knows if your able to use the twitter logo in your app? The reason I ask is that I know that facebook allows you to use their logo via facebook connect pre-rendered buttons, so I'm not sure if it's a problem or not.
I doubt you can without asking permission. It would be a question of IP law. At the very least, you'd be compromising on their copyright.
Shaggy Frog
2009-08-27 18:38:45
In the Twitter about page there is a link Download Logo. Why would it be there if you're not allowed to use it?
2009-08-27 18:43:49
It's possible they provide that for fair-use applications - news organisations, education, etc. Without an explicit license, you can't use it for non-fair-use stuff.
2009-08-27 19:08:35
according to alex: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/23819f6afca63e7c/0a90245ab7c39d7d?pli=1
2009-08-27 20:30:05
Twitter wants you to create your own branding and abstain from using their stuff. Please see the attacked link where Biz Stone answers your question.
2009-08-27 18:44:30
Twitter says otherwise here: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/23819f6afca63e7c/0a90245ab7c39d7d
2009-08-27 19:10:12
From the edit, the email address for approval of use of the Twitter logo is [email protected]
2009-08-27 19:17:38
Along with these answers, make sure you don't use an already owned third party icon. A lot of people use the Twitterrific icon without permission for example.
2009-08-27 19:09:46