I have a C++ project that has to build on Linux but I don't have a Linux machine set up to run any kind of GUI (they all have no monitors). So the question is, can I use eclipse to develop via a file share and build via SSH? I've been doing this and aside from putting lots of ware on alt+tab
the only problem seems to be that auto-complete doesn't work right. Based on the error messages I'm getting, I think this is a result of not having either a compiler or include directory hooked up.
Does anyone have any experience working with this type of setup?
People seem to be looking at the "how to make things seamless" bit of my problem. What I'm more interested in is the "how to make Eclipse's editing stuff works as at all" bit.
All the proposed solutions that amount to "get set up to develop on Linux" are worse than the problem (the problem is mostly a nascence issue and I can work around it if I want to)