I've been reading O'Reilly book "Dojo - The Definitive Guid" but somethings are still not definitive to me.
They talk about "bootstrapping" and getting the dojo.css from the AOL CDN".
When I'm testing on my machine, should I use the CDN? Or should I wait and use that only when I deploy?
Secondly, the book talks about CDN for dojo, but not for dijit.
I'm developing on Google App Engine (GAE) - so having the 2000+ Dojo/Dijit files in my Javascript directory is a little annoying, because it slows down my upload to GAE each time.
Firebug is giving me this error: GET htt p://localhost:8080/dijit/nls/dijit-all_en-us.js 404 not Found GET htt p://localhost:8080/dijit/_editor/plugins/FontChoice.js 404 not Found
I downloaded the sample from here: http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/dojotoolkit/dijit/themes/themeTester.html?theme=soria and I'd like to "simply" get it to run on my machine under local google app engine (which is the localhost:8080 that you see in the URLs above).
I see this statement which probably is causing the second 404 above: dojo.require("dijit._editor.plugins.FontChoice");
One other error: cannot access optimized closure preload("en-us") dijit-all.js (line 479) anonymous("dijit.nls.dijit-all", ["ROOT", "ar", "ca", 40 more... 0=ROOT 1=ar 2=ca 3=cs 4=da 5=de 6=de-de 7=el 8=en 9=en-gb])dijit-all.js (line 489) dijit-all.js() dojo.i18n._searchLocalePath(locale, true, function(loc){\n
To continue for now, I'm going to try to copy the entire dijit library, but is there a solution short of that?
My current script includes look like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/dijit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/dijit-all.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I got the dijit.js file by copying and renaming dijit.js.uncompressed.js to dijit.js.
Thanks in advance! Neal