



I'm trying to optimize the database calls coming from a fairly small Django app. At current I have a couple of models, Inquiry and InquiryStatus. When selecting all of the records from MySQL, I get a nice JOIN statement on the two tables, followed by many requests to the InquiryStatus table. Why is Django still making individual requests if I've already done a select_related()?

The models look like so:

class InquiryStatus(models.Model):
    status = models.CharField(max_length=25) 
    status_short = models.CharField(max_length=5)
    class Meta:
        ordering = ["-default_status", "status", "status_short"]

class Inquiry(models.Model):
    ts = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    type = models.CharField(max_length=50) 
    status = models.ForeignKey(InquiryStatus)
    class Meta:
        ordering = ["-ts"]

The view I threw together for debugging looks like so:

def inquiries_list(request, template_name="inquiries/list_inquiries.js"):
    ## Notice the "print" on the following line.  Forces evaluation.
    print models.Inquiry.objects.select_related('status').all()
    return HttpResponse("CRAPSTICKS")

I've tried using select_related(depth=1), with no change. Each of the extraneous requests to the database are selecting one specific id in the WHERE clause.


So there was one bit of very important code which should have been put in with the models:

from fullhistory import register_model

As a result, fullhistory was (for reasons I cannot fathom) pulling each individual result and parsing it.


I believe this has to do with lazy evaluation. Django only hits the DB if and when necessary, not when you invoke models.Inquiry.objects.select_related('status').all()

Gabriel Ross
Actually, if you look at the line where I have the query, it is a `print` line. As a result, it is evaluated and generates a ton of queries.
Jack M.

The code you've shown shouldn't actually generate any queries at all - QuerySets are only evaluated when necessary, not when they're defined, and you don't use the value anywhere so the execution won't be done.

Please show us a template or some other code that actually evaluates the qs - slices it, iterates, prints, or anything.

Daniel Roseman
Actually, if you look at the line where I have the query, it is a `print` line. As a result, it is evaluated and generates a ton of queries.
Jack M.

It seems that fullhistory ends up serializing the object, which evaluates each field in the instance to give it a base to compare to.

Take a look at the get_all_data function:

If anybody wants to write up a detailed reason why this happens, I'll gladly mark that answer correct.

Jack M.