



Hi, What is the difference b/w NSArray and NSMutableArray ? i am new to iPhone.

+10  A: 

NSMutableArray (and all other classes with Mutable in the name) can be modified. So, if you create a plain NSArray, you cannot change its contents later (without recreating it). But if you create an NSMutableArray, you can change it — you'll notice it has methods like -addObject: and -insertObject:atIndex:.

See the documentation for details.


The "mutable" types are classes which can be changed after they've been initialized, like NSMutableString vs NSString.

Shaggy Frog
`NSMutableString` is derived from `NSString`. Consequently, you can't rely on a "`NSString*`" you receive from outside to be immutable. You can only assume `NSMutableString*` is mutable. `NSString*` can be mutable or immutable. That's why you might want to call `[str copy]` when the instance is assigned to some property in your class.
Mehrdad Afshari
You can't change an NSString once it's built. See As for why you use copy, see
Shaggy Frog
Shaggy: You can't change an *instance* of `NSString` class. This is not the issue. The issue is that a "`NSString*`" does not necessarily point to an instance of `NSString` class. It can also point to instances of classes derived from `NSString`, like `NSMutableString`. Therefore, you can't rely on an `NSString*` you have received from the outside world to be immutable.
Mehrdad Afshari
Okay, I understand now. I'll delete that portion of my answer.
Shaggy Frog