



Im new to iPhone development, I bought the certificate a while back and have already posted one simple app on the app store(Lunch Money, just in case you are curious), but I've been looking all over the internet for a good series for iPhone openGL ES(2d or 3d will work) game development... does anyone know a good starting point for iphone opengl es game development?



+14  A: 

8 Great Resources For Learning Iphone OpenGL ES & 16 Killer iPhone OpenGL ES Resources contains a lot of information, even about games development.

EDIT: As per your comment, I add the following resources :

Moayad Mardini
those are good... but i need something like ground up from objective-c basics to game programming
You're going to need more than one. Going from learning Objective C to OpenGL is not something that is well covered by one resource

well these aren't published yet...

but apress has some really good iphone books, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say these will be awesome

Matt S.
I like the Apress books too. And I used Knaster and Dalrymple's book as an OBJ C starter, and Mark and LaMarche's as an introduction to UIKit.
+1  A: 

In the best 'cross platform' tradition, I wouldn't pin myself to objective-c that much.

Make the thinnest of GUI container in objective-c (touch handling, basic file io, etc) and make your game in C++ and opengl.

This way, you can potentially port your code to any other platform you might want to run it on and not box yourself in.

+1  A: 

I have learned the most for Jeff LaMarche's series, great stuff.

Jamey McElveen