



Is there a way to use the RSA keys I've generated with the Crypto++ API in OpenSSL? What I am looking for is a way to store the keys in a format that both Crypto++ and OpenSSL can easily open them.

I'm writing a licensing scheme and would want to verify signatures and decrypt files using the Crypto++ API, but to generate the license files I would want to use a web interface (probably using PHP, which only supports OpenSSL) to generate and encrypt/sign the licenses.

I would write both applications using Crypto++ and call it from the PHP, but since the private key will be stored in a encrypted form, a password must be passed to the application and passing it on the command line doesn't seems to be a good idea to me.


Try this link:

It looks like you'll need to use PKCS#8 and convert from DER to PEM format to be able to use the keys in OpenSSL. I'm not sure if you'll be able to use a single file for both.

I've only used OpenSSL so I'm not sure what options you have with Crypto++. I found the link above by searching Google for these terms: Crypto++ RSA OpenSSL.

DER is OpenSSL's binary format for keys and certificates.

PEM is OpenSSL's text format.

Will Bickford
I've seen this post, but I was looking for a programmatically way to to that, maybe some Crypto++ class that can convert to and from the PKCS8 DER to the PEM encodind used by OpenSSL.
Have you read ?
Will Bickford

Both Crypto++ and OpenSSL can handle PKCS#8 encoded keys. In crypto++, you can generate keys and convert to PKCS#8 buffer like this,

AutoSeededRandomPool rng;
RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor priv(rng, 2048);
string der;
StringSink der_sink(der);

// is the bytes you need

Now you just need to pass the bytes to PHP. You can save it in a file, send in a message.

The only gotcha is that PHP's OpenSSL interface only accepts PEM encoded PKCS#8. You can easily convert DER-encoded buffer into PEM like this in PHP,

function pkcs8_to_pem($der) {

    static $BEGIN_MARKER = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
    static $END_MARKER = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";

    $value = base64_encode($der);

    $pem = $BEGIN_MARKER . "\n";
    $pem .= chunk_split($value, 64, "\n");
    $pem .= $END_MARKER . "\n";

    return $pem;

You can also convert PKCS#8 to PEM in C++ if you prefer. The algorithm is very simple as you can see from the PHP code.

OpenSSL is so prevalent nowadays. I don't see any reason to use Crypto++ for common crypto applications like this.

ZZ Coder

Also see "Cryptographic Interoperability: Keys" "Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java." (

OpenSSL and Java can be used interchangeably for importing/exporting keys.
