Hello, I want to extend the admin panel of Django where adding/changing happens for a specific object, say Foo. I have already done alot of research and found a part discussing this at the old version djangobook.
I have made an admin/myapp/foo/change_list.html at my template directory and did some experient such as adding some html and it works well.
And this is where problem starts, I need to tweak the view of this admin display(no overriding the whole thing but just extending it) so that, with a small GET/POST form at the change_list.html, I want to do a specific action such as:
Say I have 2 objects Foo and Bar:
class Bar(models.Model):
bar_text = models.TextField( )
class Foo(models.Model):
name = models.TextField( )
my_bar = models.models.ForeignKey( Bar)
The regular admin interface while adding a new Foo, I can pick a single my_bar foreignKey as it should be, now I want a tickbox at the end of the page "add to all" which makes the same input(name for my example) connected for all Bar objects. So after save I will have several Foo objects which are having same "name" field and each has a different Bar connection