



I am having trouble with the pagination. It does not work, i.e. List staffs count is always zero for the code below.

If I remove the Paged method, correct results appear. How else can I solve this? I am using Subsonic 2.2. Pls help - thanks

SubSonic.SqlQuery query = DB.Select().Paged(startIndex, pageSize)
            .InnerJoin(StaffLocation.Schema.TableName, StaffLocation.Columns.StaffId, Staff.Schema.TableName, Staff.Columns.StaffId)
            .InnerJoin(StaffClientGroup.Schema.TableName, StaffClientGroup.Columns.StaffId, Staff.Schema.TableName, Staff.Columns.StaffId)
            .InnerJoin(StaffOutcome.Schema.TableName, StaffOutcome.Columns.StaffId, Staff.Schema.TableName, Staff.Columns.StaffId);
            if (regionId > 0) query.And(StaffLocation.Columns.RegionId).IsEqualTo(regionId);
            if (clientGroup > 0) query.And(StaffClientGroup.Columns.ClientGroupId).IsEqualTo(clientGroup);
            if (outcome > 0) query.And(StaffOutcome.Columns.OutcomeId).IsEqualTo(outcome);
            List<Staff> staffs = query.ExecuteTypedList<Staff>();
            return staffs;
+1  A: 

Well, I can tell you that it does work :) and I have a feeling that...

  1. Your startIndex is wrong - try using 1 or 2
  2. Your pageSize isn't set
  3. What is "Where("1").IsEqualTo("1")?

You might try to grab the SQL to see what's being produced...

Rob Conery
I think the "Where("1").IsEqualTo("1") is there because .Where() has to be called before .And(), except the .And()'s are conditional.
+2  A: 

Put a breakpoint on the second to last line and when it's hit execute query.BuildSqlStatement() in the Visual Studio immediate window and inspect the generated SQL. That might help narrow it down.

John Sheehan