Hello thogether
While searching a bug in my code today I found a strange thing. When inspecting a UIView instance in the debugger the variable view of Xcode does not show the subviews member of the UIView class.
I only see this fields in the debugger (> should indicate the opening triangle):
- >UIResponder
- >_layer
- >_tabInfo
- >_gestureInfo
- >_touchData
- _charge
- _tag
- >_viewFlags
I'm missing the _subviews member and come to think of it also all the positional members (at least one of them should be there).
Does anybody know what I'm missing or doing wrong (as far as I can tell it is not a problem as a google search for this problem didn't got me any results).
I use Xcode version 3.1.3 with:
- XcodeIDE: 1191.0
- XcodeCore: 1192.0
- XcodeSupport: 1186.0
on a mac with OS 10.5.7 and iPhone SDK 2.2.1 (I also tested with iPhone SDK 3.0).
I hope somebody knows anything about this. It gives me a little strange feeling that I cannot trust the debugger to show me everything I should know for debugging a problem. And it's not good if you need to mistrust you tools :(