Hi there,
I'm trying to access a reporting services site using the provided web services, from a basic asp.net website.
I've added the reference to reportservice2005.asmx on the reporting server, but I'm having problems getting intellisense working and for anything to run/compile.
From examples, I've seen people create an instance of the service with the following: "ReportingService rService = new ReportingService();" - where ReportingService is the name of the web reference, created in visual studio. I've amended this to vb.net code but get errors.. it's as if ReportingService is the namespace and I need to choose one of the classes inside.
So I tried "dim rService as ReportingService.ReportingService2005"
Is this correct? it seems to work with intellisense, however when I then try to run the code, I get the compilation error: "Type 'ReportingService.ReportingService2005' is not defined."
Any ideas? Cheers! :D