



I am pulling my hair out trying to conjure up the correct syntax to set the HTTP header information do a byte-range load from an HTTP server.

This is the offending method on NSMutableURLRequest - (void)setValue:(NSString *)value forHTTPHeaderField:(NSString *)field

This is how I am using this method to load the first 512 byte of a URL request.

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; 
[request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"];
[request setValue:@"0-512\r\n" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Range"];

So far it is ignored and I always receive the entire data payload. I just want the range of bytes specified (0 - 512). Can someone please relieve my headache?

Update: I have used curl to confirm that my web server supports byte ranges thusly: curl --range 0-2047 -o "foobar"

The file size of foobar is 2048

Cheers, Doug


What you have there should be the correct way to add a header value to a URL request, however i thought only posts got header values, maybe im wrong, have you tried doing this on other enviroments and gotten it to work? Maybe take out the \r\n?


Problem solved.

By adding additional header fields the code immediately worked correctly. Why? Dunno. But it works:

NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

[request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"];

[request setValue:@"keep-live"  forHTTPHeaderField:@"Connection"];
    [request setValue:@"300"     forHTTPHeaderField:@"Keep-Alive"];
[request setValue:@"bytes=0-2047" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Range"];