



I do have experience with Ruby on Rails, and am programming a project in ASP.NET currently. So having found ASP.NET MVC was awesome for me, since it seems to be a verbatim copy of Ruby on Rails in many respects. However, there are differences, and I have to re-learn quite some things.

One such thing is the way additional (library) functionality is handled. I want to add an encryption utility functionality, and in Rails, I would just add a class to the /lib directory and know it would be available in my controllers. How do I do that in ASP.NET MVC?

I thought about creating a model class for this, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to go. All I really want is an encrypt(plain) and a decrypt(encrypted) function that return a string, I will use the .NET encryption libraries for the actual encryption and decryption, but want to encapsulate and proxy their functionality with easy-to-use functions available across multiple controllers.

Any suggestions?

+2  A: 

Within your project you could add a folder called lib, or whatever, and put the code in there.

Fermin - For "Lying in bed"? Or "One of two Jaredite kings in the Book of Mormon"? Bad practice. There are no bonus points for shortening down words.
Seb Nilsson
eh? "I would just add a class to the /lib directory" is why I suggested adding a folder called lib.
I dont see the problem with using calling a folder lib. This is not bad practice and a lot of the and agile community use this type of naming convention.
It's bad practice. You understand your own code, but it will waste a lot of time for someone else to try to get into it. Readability is much more important than saving a couple of bits. Thanks for pointing out one of the problems with ALT.NET, by the way.
Seb Nilsson
Jeez, I don't know many programmers who'd have no idea what a "lib" folder meant. Call it lib, the world will go on. There are more important things.
Gavin Schultz-Ohkubo
It's not about the word "Lib" explicitly, but the concept. "Everyone knows what x means" is the problem here. Inside baseball ftw...
Seb Nilsson
Well, going with the ASP.NET naming conventions, I think calling it Libraries to keep things consistent makes sense, too, I'll do that. That's the sole reason why I will not call it lib however, since lib really is a well-established convention for decades. Programmers who do not know that seem to have skipped some of their education, to be perfectly honest.
I would not call a project, file, class or variable lib. I would call it Library but for folde names there is a limit in windows for the path lenght wich I believe is around 260 chars. This is one of the reasons I use short folder names.
Seriously? This is an argument?
+4  A: 

The best thing to do would be to create a second project that is simply a class library. Then reference this class library in your MVC application.

Andrew Hare
Thanks, I'd do that (and make this the accepted solution) if it would be more than a single class. I might refactor it to an external project later on if things get more complex.
+3  A: MVC still has references so add your libraries to a folder of your choice and reference that library through the add reference option.

I like the following dev tree structure.


the lib folder is for 3rd party libraries, src is the source of my mvc and tools is for tools like nunit etc.

for your own libraries add a new project for them just like you would in normal I also like to add a new project for my model, bll, and dal.


This may not be a direct answer to your question but I have the following structure for an opensoure project which I am developing using mvc..

* Gol.Core.Session (contains session manager both real and fake)
* Gol.Core.Caching (contains caching including velocity, enterprise lib. provider)
* Gol.Core.Logging (contains logging components and providers)
* Gol.Core.Instrumentation (contains instrumentation related items)
* Gol.Core.UI (UI helpers, and other things related to UI)
* Gol.Core.Security (security,authentication related things)
* Gol.Core.Utilities (common utility functions like encryption, helper methods, etc).
* Gol.Core.Metadata (metadata manager).
  Gol.Web.Controllers (all controllers goes here).
  Gol.Cms.Contracts (contains the service contracts)
* Gol.Cms.Model (contains the service model)
  Gol.Cms.Services (contains the service implementation).
  Gol.Web (the web project that contains the views)
* Gol.Test (or Gol.Specification)

Have a related question with respect to this at Project structure recommendation for mvc

rajesh pillai