I am looking for the way to mount NTFS hard disk on FreeBSD 6.2 in read/write mode.
searching google, I found that NTFS-3G can be a help.
Using NTFS-3G, there is no problem when I try to mount/unmount NTFS manually:
mount: ntfs-3g /dev/ad1s1 /home/admin/data -o uid=1002,
umount: umount /home/admin/data
But I have a problem when try to mount ntfs hard disk automatically at boot time.
I have tried:
- adding fstab: /dev/ad1s1 /home/admin/data ntfs-3g uid=1002 0 0
- make a script, that automatically mount ntfs partition at start up, on /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ directory.
But it is still failed. The script works well when it is executed manually.
Does anyone know an alternative method/ solution to have read/write access NTFS on FreeBSD 6.2?