First of all, you can use the web services add in (soap tool kit). Dispite silly comments here, that web add-in for office received a update December 12, 2007
However, really, for grabbing XML from a web site you can write just a few lines of code to do this in ms-access if you use the MS-XML library
Public Sub GetQuote2()
Dim objXML As Object
Dim strSymbol As String
Dim strURL As String
Dim strWFormat As String
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
strURL = ""
strWFormat = "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv"
strSymbol = "MSFT"
objXML.Open "GET", strURL & strSymbol & strWFormat, False
Debug.Print "Symbol = " & Split(objXML.ResponseText, ",")(0)
Debug.Print "Trade = " & Split(objXML.ResponseText, ",")(1)
Debug.Print "Date = " & Split(objXML.ResponseText, ",")(2)
End Sub
Output when above run:
Symbol = "MSFT"
Trade = 24.62
Date = "9/4/2009"
The above code example happens to "GET" a CSV file, but in most cases that web service will give you a xml file or even document. Using the MSXML library also means you have full xml parsing at your fingertips.
You can/could also write out the xml text string to a local file and use the XML import features we have in ms-access.
So access does have an xml import ability. With xml import support + the MSXML library this takes VERY FEW lines of code to grab xml from a web site. Access 2010 will have additional web services support.
For all intensive purposes, I really don’t recommend using the soap web tool kit (the 2003 add in code) for office since the above code is far more simple, and a LOT less hassle and code.