



I'm new to STL. The thing stumping me about using a map to store arbitrary objects:

std::map<MyClassObj, MyDataObject> MyMap;

is how I find objects. How would MyMap.find (MyClassObjInstance) work for instance? Do I need to implement my own iterator and provide some standard functions which would include some equivalence function? Any examples would be appreciated.

Is there another method to store an associated list of arbitrary objects using standard libraries? I'm already using stl to maintain platform portability, and would prefer not to add another library dependency like BOOST.

+6  A: 

All of you need is to define operator< for MyClassObj. For more information about std::map you could read here.

According to C++ Standard 23.1.2:

The phrase ‘‘equivalence of keys’’ means the equivalence relation imposed by the comparison and not the operator== on keys. That is, two keys k1 and k2 are considered to be equivalent if for the comparison object comp, comp(k1, k2) == false && comp(k2, k1) == false.

By default comp is std::less.

According to C++ Standard 20.3.3:

template <class T> struct less : binary_function<T,T,bool> {
bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const;

// operator() returns x < y.

Surely, you could define stand alone functor comp for comparison.

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
That's the type of answer I was hoping for, just couldn't find it in all the docs. Where is this documented?
Most of the time i take a look at
Typo: `operator>` when you mean `operator<` in the first line.
Steve Jessop
Yes, that was there at first. Copypaste killing me.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
Always like a snippet of the standard! +1
+2  A: 

Yes, you can use your own type/object as a key. They'll have to implement the less-than operator (operator<) as all ordered standard C++ containers do use this operator to test for ordering and equality.

Timo Geusch
+7  A: 

std::map has a third template argument, after key and value, to denote what function is going to be used to compare keys. By default, it is std::less, which in it's turn uses operator<. So if your class has an operator<, it's ok, else you can provide a comparator of your own.

wow, my eyes just skimmed over that 3rd parameter! I guess I'm too accustomed to seeing overloaded function documentaion with a bunch of parameters I normally don't care about. Thanks!
:) I conveniently forgot to mention the fourth parameter - the allocator. I've never seen it used, yet.
@Xtofl: I once had to use an allocator because a service pack for XP drastically changed the performance on deallocating hundreds of integers that had been allocated on the heap.
ah there: it _is_ used :)
Corrected: comparator to compare _keys_, not _values_...
+3  A: 

The full type for map is

template < class Key, class T, class Compare = less<Key>,
       class Allocator = allocator<pair<const Key,T> > > class map;

It uses less than by default but as long as you pass in a class that has operator () overloaded to take two instances of the object and returns a bool all is well. note if you give it comp(a,b) and it returns true, then a should come before b in the ordering.
