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I don't have a catch-all, as this will vary from form to form, but some general advice.
By the way, I love this question because it's all about keeping your code clean, readable, and doing things as simply as possible.
Use the included validation controls when possible rather than writing if statements to validate code. (see instruction video for winforms (based on the question I'm assuming you mean .Net winforms.) here)
Always look to see if you can write a function to handle repetitive tasks. It takes a line of code to call a function, and if your function is only fivelines long, but you call it tentimes, that means you've saved yourself a lot of duplicate lines of code.
If you can write that function to be smart enough and be able to loop through your controls, so much the better.
In short, look at your code and determine to try to do the job with the least amount of code possible while making it easily readable and understandable, and without resorting to bad practices. Experiment in your spare time on non-production "test" code to refine your technique as you learn, but if you get used to thinking about clean code you get better at writing it.