



We just installed Facebooker and Authlogic on a new Rails app, but the Canvas JavaScript limitations persuaded us to choose the iframe to supply our application. Has anyone been successful using Cucumber and facebooker with an iframe app?

I tried the instructions on

but they don't seem to work.

Specifically, right now the Session.current isn't being set correctly. I get the following error:

Given I am logged in as a Facebook user    # features/step_definitions/webrat_steps.rb:6
  You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!                                      
  The error occurred while evaluating nil.default_request_params (NoMethodError)                                                                                               
  features/manage_tournaments.feature:7:in `Given I am logged in as a Facebook user'

Anyone have any ideas?


I think that Cucumber is not the problem, but WebRat. WebRat is a browser emulator and I don't think it has any iFrame support. I'd advice you to try firewatir or any other 'runner' for cucumber that uses an actual browser with iFrame support.

Certainly was. Thanks, and sorry for the late response.