
Why does facebook.feed.publishUserAction strip my image out?

I'm using the Facebooker plugin in Rails to publish a user action to their newsfeed, but the image isn't being added. The call (via Net::HTTP.post_form) looks like this: Posting to http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php with {:api_key=>"4f5ed28f76142adsfasdf029c98ad", :template_bundle_id=>"107345673712", :template_data=>"{\"project\"...

Using Facebook Connect with Authlogic

I am trying to make Authlogic and Facebook Connect (using Facebook) play nice so that you can create an account either the normal registration way or with Facebook connect. I have been able to get the connect to work one way but logging out only loggs out on facebook and not on my site, I have to delete the cookies to make it working. An...

Facebooker gem does not seem to work with jQuery

Hi, I tried to get the facebooker gem to work with jQuery, but it does not even render the facebook connect buttons, once I load jquery.js instead of prototype.js and use init_fb_connect “XFBML”, :js => “jquery” I tried it with the example http://www.madebymany.co.uk/tutorial-for-restful_authentication-on-rails-with-facebook-connect-in...

nil facebook_session with Facebooker gem and Rails 2.2.2

Integrating FB Connect into our site using Rails 2.2.2 and Facebooker gem (latest version). Login button, xd_receiver files generated fine to the point where the login popup window will open, I can log in, and it will then execute the onlogin event, but Facebooker's facebook_session method just keeps returning nil. Upon inspecting the se...

Facebooker and Cucumber with IFRAME: Session.current is not set.

We just installed Facebooker and Authlogic on a new Rails app, but the Canvas JavaScript limitations persuaded us to choose the iframe to supply our application. Has anyone been successful using Cucumber and facebooker with an iframe app? I tried the instructions on http://opensoul.org/2009/3/6/testing-facebook-with-cucumber but the...

Check FB Connect session expire using facebooker

Hi All, how to check whether FB Connect session is still valid or not using rails facebooker plugin ? Are there any helper or module that can check the session ? I figure out that if I open up 2 tab in browser, one login with facebook, another is with my site and login using FB Connect. When user trying to logout in my site, facebook wil...

Getting nested iframes with Facebooker in iframe app

Hi there, Has anyone encountered nested iframes in their Rails/Facebooker application? Basically, every time I click an action or link, the entire facebook page reloads inside my existing iframe, causing two (and more on each subsequent click) facebook borders to appear. I've gone over the instructions three times and changed every set...

how to get the text inputted into a fb:friend-selector

I want to get the text from an fb:friend-selector even if a friend was not selected, how cna I do this? So for example if someone enters someone who is not a friend, I want to be able to get that data. The form is submitted to my server and not facebook's ...

How to refresh the dialog box in Facebook after submit (Rails, Facebooker, FBML)?

Hi, I am using Rails (Facebooker). This is for Facebook apps (FBML) and to keep it simple, let's assume it's a student registration system. In my student page (displaying their photo, name, grade etc), I have an 'edit' button. Clicking that button, will display a FB-dialog to edit their details. My aim is simple. I want the user to be...

Is the facebooker plugin still applicable for developing FBConnect applications

Im trying to integrate FBConnect to my application and want to know if the facebooker plugin is still applicable now that Facebook has made some revisions to its API. ...

Getting information about a Facebook Page via API but without a session_key

I'm going to create a Facebook application which get informations (name and *page_url*) about Facebook page from his *page_id*. So i went to the Facebook Wiki and i found this API method which sounds good at first look : http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Pages.getInfo My only wish was that i wouldn't pass a session_key para...

Facebooker: Getting it to post to specific pages?

I am trying to post to specific pages and running into an issue. This is what I have where 1234 is a facebook uid @user = Facebooker::User.new(1234) @user.session = Facebooker::Session.create(KEY,SECRET) my_page = Facebooker::Page.new(PAGE_NUMBER) user.publish_to(@user, :message => @message) It keeps posting to the user profile and no...

nested iFrame facebook app with facebooker on IE

Hi all, I've tried to create simple facebook app with iFrame,, but I always get nested iFrame on every I click link on my application, I already tried a solution from site http://railsrant.com/2009/10/14/creating-a-facebook-iframe-app-using-ruby-on-rails-facebooker/ it's work on Firefox and Chrome, but doesn't work at IE Any idea or sug...

define javascript functions on iframe facebook app inside <fb:serverfbml> tag

Hi all, How we can define JS function on inside ? I tried to load file javascript on the end tag , but I still can't call the function from javascript file. Here the FBML tag <fb:serverfbml> <script type="text/fbml"> <fb:fbml> <a href="#" id="this" onclick="do_colors(this); return false">Hello World!</a> <script src=...

facebooker tab user issue

In my facebooker ruby rails app i can't seem to get a user session. It works outside the tab however. class TabController < ApplicationController ensure_authenticated_to_facebook ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user def index @user = session[:facebook_session].user end Error is something like: Filter chain halted as [:...

convert partial to string from active record

HI friends, I have a situation where i have to convert a partial into string from Active-Record. Here is the code: Facebooker::Session.create(Facebooker.api_key, Facebooker.secret_key).send_email( facebook_user_id, "MAIL_SUBJECT", (:partial=>"some/partial") ) This is being called from a model. T...

One shot fql query - facebook api

$status = $facebook->api_client->fql_query("SELECT message,time FROM status WHERE uid in (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=".$user.")"); echo "<pre>"; print_r($status); echo "</pre>"; above query returns all statuses, i want only last 2 status messages. I have to make it with fql only. can anyone show me how its done?? ...

How to send facebook session details to a rails application using facebooker plugin

Hi, I am not able to integrate the iPhone application with my rails application both using fbconnect as the session details that i send along with the request from iPhone are not recognized by the facebooker plugin. The request from iPhone is as follows: [request setURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://localhost...

Publish story to news feed using facebooker [Ruby]

I followed the tutorial here http://yardoc.org/docs/mmangino-facebooker/Facebooker/User#publish_story-instance_method using @user.publish_to(@user, :message => 'hello world') Where @user is an instance of Facebooker::User. This method call causes the application to error out. Any help? ...

Who else out there is using the Facebooker plugin for Rails?

I've been working with the plugin for a couple weeks. Any other SOers using it, and if so, is there any knowledge or wisdom you've gleaned from using the plugin/gem? ...