
Session bug using facebook-connect-with-authlogic in Rails

I'm trying to follow this article: http://ryanbigg.com/2010/03/testing-facebook, but I'm stuck. I think the problem is with my session, in that the current_usermethod comes up with nil for session[:facebook_session]. According to the original authlogic, it says to use the active_record_store for sessions: # config/environment.rb confi...

find_or_create_by_facebook_id method not found

Hi guys, I'm trying to find out where this function comes from. Any one have any clue? It's used by this: http://github.com/fluidtickets/facebooker-authlogic-bridge with a working example here: http://facebooker-authlogic-bridge.heroku.com Downloading the code, it throws: undefined method 'find_or_create_by_facebook_id' for #<Cl...

Auth problem on Facebook using Ruby/sinatra/frankie/facebooker

Hello guys, I'm using sinatra/frankie/facebooker to prototype something simple to test the facebook api, i'm using mmangino-facebooker the more recent version from github and I cloned the most recent version of frankie. I'm using sinatra 0.9.6. My main code is as simple as possible: before do ensure_application_is_installed_by_faceb...

Rails, handling multiple redirects

Hi guys, I have a program where a gem, facebooker, calls a redirect and in the same action I end up callling a redirect through redirect_back_or_default. My question is: Is there a way to catch the multiple redirect error? A begin/rescue block doesn't seem to do it. Or, is there a way to check to see if a redirect has already been c...

Facebooker Causing Problems with Rails Integration Testing

I am (finally) attempting to write some integration tests for my application (because every deploy is getting scarier). Since testing is a horribly documented feature of Rails, this was the best I could get going with shoulda. class DeleteBusinessTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest context "log skydiver in and" do setup do...

Facebooker extended permissions??

Facebook gives access to users' emails via the extended permission. There's also a way in JS and PHP to force users to grant the permission when they accept the app's TOS - http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Extended_permissions Is there a way that I can do this with Facebooker? Regards.. ...

extended permissions

Hi i'm doing a fb app that update the status box(what's in your mind), i'm using set_status from facebooker .. first i have this error: set_status needs extended permission so i google it and find this: before_filter :ensure_has_status_update .. so i put it in my controller and that solves the problem, but when i try to update the st...

problem with installing mmangino-facebooker gem

Hello, I've problem like in title. I'm using ruby with Sinatra framework and trying to integrate my site with faceboook connect using frankie gem. Unfortunetly I'm getting dependencie error like that: Could not find RubyGem mmangino-facebooker (>= 1.0.2) When I try to install sudo gem install mmangino-facebooker I'm getting ...

Rails Facebooker image_submit_tag

I have a typical form_for for registering user. But in the end I would like to have an option to submit data with fb_login_button. So I could save user's (manually entered) data as well as data that facebook sends me in one swing. Is that possible? If not, can I get user's facebook data wihout redirecting to new page? ...

Sending Facebook notifications

Hey i have a little facebook iframe application written with rails and the facebooker plugin. I can loop through the users friends and see whether they also have this application. To do this I use a fql qeury, and my own html (no fbml). Now i want to create a button right beside every friend who doesn't have this app, that sends an invit...

Weird Facebooker Plugin & Pushion Passenger ModRails Production Error

I have an application (Rails 2.3.5) that I'm deploying to production Linux/Apache server using the latest Phushion Passenger/Apache Module 2.2.11 version. After deploying my original application, it returns a 500 error with no logging to production log. So I created a minimal test rails application, with some active record calls to the ...

Get user email address with Facebooker?

I know the user needs to give the application "extended permission" for access to the email address. I went through the Facebooker documentation (I am using it for an iFrame app for whatever it's worth) but can't find any related stuff in the documentation or any sample code. ...

FBML in Rails views using Facebooker

Hi all, I have successfully wired up a Facebook Connect application and everything is working fine. I can sign new users up with Facebook, or I can link existing users with Facebook. No problems there. However, now I am trying to add an Invite page, where a user can see which of their Friends have the application, and then show them ...

Facebooker and graph API, get news feed

Hi, How to get the news feed for a user with facebooker? If it is not possible, how can I use the graph api to take advantage of the fact that the user is already logged in with facebooker, and has a facebook_session active. Thanks ...

Accessing Facebook Likes and Interests with the old rest api

In their recent changes, Facebook now links your likes and interests with community and fan pages. How can I retrieve this information using the old rest API and Facebooker. I tried things like this to get the music preferences : facebook_session.user.music but I get a blank string instead of the relevant connections. Is it mandatory ...

Facebook connect - automatic trigger 'request extended permissions' dialog

For certain pages(functionalities) of the site, i need different permissions. I am requesting those permissions only if (and when) user is accessing those parts of the site. The normal flow is to display a 'Please allow us to send you emails' link using something like: <fb:prompt-permission perms="email""> Please allow us to send ...

Best way to interact with facebook from a Rails Application

What I want to do is automatically post to facebook when a user post something on his profile (inside my app), I want to remember the user facebook credential to post automatically without asking for his credentials again. Tumblr has already implement this functionality and I want to emulate it. What is the best way to implement this f...

stylesheet_link_tag producing absolute links instead of relative

I set up facebooker to tunnel my Ruby on Rails application. The issue is that I would like to test locally. That is, I don't want to have to start a tunnel every time I want to see my changes. Right now, when I start the application using ruby script/server (not calling rake facebooker:tunnel:background_start beforehand), links create...

Getting HTTP 406 when trying to test facebooker application with cucumber

I am trying to test facebook api calls with cucumber. Here is the code. # app/controller/facebook_users_controller.rb class FacebookUsersController < ApplicationController def create fb_user = facebook_session.user user = User.new(:facebook_uid => fb_user.uid, :facebook_session_key => facebook_session.session_key respond...

Facebooker2 template issue

Hi, When i include fb_connect_async_js javascript helper it is throwing an error , Facebooker 2 don't have action view template. Could you please tell me how handle this situation . undefined local variable or method `fb_connect_async_js' for ActionView::Base Thanks, Srini ...