
redirect error and recursive login screen/auth screen problems with facebooker iframe

i am using the facebooker gem from http://github.com/mmangino/facebooker for developing a rails 2 facebook application (iframe). i am wondering if this is a bug from facebooker: when i am using ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user in the application controller, the iframe gets rendered in an infinite loop. i found out tha...

Are there any stable solutions for using Rails 3.0 and Facebook together?

I've seen reports that Facebooker doesn't work with Rails 3. I've noticed that there's a Facebooker2 project, but it doesn't seem to have any documentation and there's no information I can find about its Rails 3 compatibility. Are there any good choices for getting Facebook Connect working with a website built on Rails 3.0.0 (beta4)? ...

facebook iframe application with ruby and the new open graph api

i am trying to get an iframe facebook application running with ruby. unfortunately the facebooker gem seems to be broken and even the developer of facebooker suggests using the facebooker2 gem and some workarounds. see http://www.elevatedcode.com/articles/2010/05/12/facebook-iframe-applications-and-the-new-open-graph-api/#extended is t...

Request for permission doesn't work !!

I have added this code on the top of my PHP script: <div id="fb-root"></div> <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> FB.init({appId: 'myAppId', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); FB.login(function(response) { if (response.session) { if (response.perms) { // user is logged...

Facebooker and Rails3 with OpenGraph

Hi all, The facebook rest API is apparently deprecated and is going to disapear soon. This Api is replaced by the new OpenGraph Api. Right ? I'm looking for a way to replace Facebooker with a plugin able to handle the facebook open graph and working with Rails3. I looked over the web and i didn't found something interesting about thi...

Facebooker + Devise = "like_it" button : "b is undefined"

I'm using devise with the facebooker plugin. What is the best option to make a "like_it" button on my webpage without the iframe approach ? I have <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/Featu...

facebook friends-of-friends

Hi All, Quick question. How can I get the Facebook ids of the current logged in user’s second degree friends or friends-of-friends? Sample sites that do the same behavior are the ff: vark.com thread.com ...

No such file to load -- tasks/facebooker

WORKING UPDATE to solve this problem, I simply dragged the tasks/facebooker folder into lib from the venders/facebooker/lib/ directory. The migrations now function. I have a fully tested and working Rails app that won't deploy. Its running facebooker and working with restful authentication. In Capistrano I am getting the following m...

Facebooker Gem Session Key Expired

My Facebook Connect Rails application worked earlier today, but seems to have stopped getting the Facebook sessions properly. I'm using the Facebooker gem to handle the interaction with Facebook. All of a sudden, my application started throwing this exception, both while I was logged in to my Facebook account and while I was logged out ...

Facebooker new permission dialog

Facebook has recently changed its data permission policy to allow developers to ask multiple permission on one screen. I was wondering if this is supported at all for a canvas app running in Facebook with Facebooker. I found this solution for Facebook Connect apps : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2526940/facebooker-extended-permiss...

Is Facebooker for Rails still up to date and applicable for developing facebook applications?

I'm having some difficulties with following facebook_tutorial on http://apps.facebook.com/facebooker_tutorial/ and wonder if this plugin is still up to date with the current Facebook API? For example, I'm trying to send notification or post in news feed but get errors like 'Undefined method' however I do everything just like in tutorial....

Install Facebooker on Rails 3RC With Ruby 1.9.2-RC2

I am trying to install the Facebooker plugin on Rails 3 RC with Ruby 1.9.2-RC2 but I am having some problems. when I run rails plugin install git://github.com/joren/facebooker.git I get the following error Plugin not found: ["git://github.com/joren/facebooker.git"] and the facebooker.yml configuration file is not being generate...

Facebooker with Authlogic is Not Redirecting to the Dashboard After Authorization

Hi. Everything seems to be working fine with my implementation of Facebooker with Authlogic (using the authlogic_facebook_connect plugin) except for one thing. After the initial authorization of the application (by clicking OK on the Facebook pop-up) I still remain on the login page. There is no redirection. However, once I refresh the...

rails facebooker vs facebook js sdk

I am exploring facebook integration with my rails app and wondering what is the best practice for rails applications. 1 - Is js sdk the better route or the facebooker gem? I would like to allow users to login via facebook, post content/links to their walls, see friend activity in the application, invite fb friends, from the rails app et...

Is there a tutorial for Facebooker (Rails API for Facebook)

There once was a Facebooker tutorial which was a facebook app but for the last few weeks I'm greeted with just a blank page when I go to it. Does anyone know of any good resources for getting started with the Facebooker plugin for Rails? I was kind of surprised at how difficult it is to find this... any help would be greatly appreciate...

rails: user function link_user_accounts does get called but not entered

Hi there, Im about to implement facebook connect in to my rails application. One very strange problem is, that link_user_accounts does get called, but nothing gets executed... (debugger stops at def link_user_accounts and then jumps over the next debugger steps) def link_user_accounts if self.current_user.nil? User.create_from_f...

restful_authentication how to update to a newer version?

Hi everybody, I experienced problems with my older version of restful_authentication, to include the facebooker plugin. Is there a simple way to update the plugin? Thanks Markus ...

Session problem using Facebooker with Ruby on Rails

Hey everybody, I am reading the book Facebook Platform Development in order to try to code a small game for Facebook, and I have come across a "little" problem: I am trying to insert a user every time this is logged, into a database in my computer. I am using a couple of methods written in the book, but there seems to be a couple of pro...

Facebooker with authlogic, problem with script/generate xd_receiver

Hi, I'm trying to follow the tutorial at http://github.com/kalasjocke/authlogic_facebook_connect#readme and getting stuck at the $ script/generate xd_receiver line. It gives an error: Couldn't find 'xd_receiver' generator I read up on similar issues, which said to install the typhoeus gem. I did that and I also made sure that my fac...

Question for holden on authlogic openid/facebook example

This question is specifically for the user holden, but of course if anyone else can answer that works too.. Using the example at: http://github.com/holden/authlogic_openid_selector_example Is the openid code required to get the facebook connect working or are these parts of the example independent? I'm trying to get the kalasjocke fa...