My Facebook Connect Rails application worked earlier today, but seems to have stopped getting the Facebook sessions properly.
I'm using the Facebooker gem to handle the interaction with Facebook. All of a sudden, my application started throwing this exception, both while I was logged in to my Facebook account and while I was logged out (on the actual Facebook site):
WelcomeController#index (ActionView::TemplateError) "Session key invalid or no longer valid"
On line #4 of app/views/welcome/_friends.html.erb
1: <div class="bluebox friends_box">
2: <h3>Friends</h3>
3: <table class="friends_table">
4: <% friends = facebook_user.friends_with_this_app %>
5: <% if friends.any? %>
6: <% friends.each do |friend| %>
7: <tr class="friend_row">
<internal:prelude>:8:in `synchronize'
<internal:prelude>:8:in `synchronize'