



I'm wanting to grab the 10 most ordered products. My tables look similar to this:

ProductID | ProductName

ProductID | OrderID

OrderID | DateOrdered

At the moment I've got the following:

return (from product in db.Products
        from orderedProduct in db.OrderedProducts
        where orderedProduct.ProductID == product.ProductID
        select product).OrderByDescending(???).Distinct().Take(10);

I've noted in the above query where I'm uncertain of what to put. How do I orderby the number of products that appear in the ordered products table?

+2  A: 
return (from product in db.Products
        from orderedProduct in db.OrderedProducts
        where orderedProduct.ProductID == product.ProductID
        group orderedProduct by product into productGroups
        select new 
              product = productGroups.Key, 
              numberOfOrders = productGroups.Count() 
        ).OrderByDescending(x => x.numberOfOrders).Distinct().Take(10);

It will give you 10 items, each item contains product object, and numberOfOrders integer.


Since this will be as a return value for a method, and since C# doesn't allow returning an anonymous type (yet .. this feature is in C# 4.0), you convert the anonymous type into a class.

Create a class of the type you want to return

public class ProductOrders
    public ProductOrders() {

    public Product product { get; set; }
    public int numberOfOrders { get; set; }

and Use this query to return objects of that class

 return (from product in db.Products
        from orderedProduct in db.OrderedProducts
        where orderedProduct.ProductID == product.ProductID
        group orderedProduct by product into productGroups
        select new ProductOrders
              product = productGroups.Key, 
              numberOfOrders = productGroups.Count() 
        ).OrderByDescending(x => x.numberOfOrders).Distinct().Take(10);

The return value now is of type IEnumerable<ProductOrders>.

How do I go about extracting the product from this object?
assuming the return value is stored in x, use `x.product.ProductID` and `x.product.ProductName`
sorry, I'm not sure what datatype I should use to store the result from the query above. Do I make my own?
I see the problem .. answer updated