



I'm trying to disable scrolling for a UIWebView and the only way i found is using this way:

#import <objc/runtime.h>

id scroller = [[Webview subviews] lastObject];
int count;
Method *method = class_copyMethodList([scroller class], &count);
int i;
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
    if (strcmp(method_getName(method[i]), "setScrollingEnabled:") == 0)
IMP test = method_getImplementation(method[i]);
test(scroller, @selector(setScrollingEnabled:), NO);

Is this considered to be an illegal way of using the iPhone SDK? Can this cause my application to be rejected for the App store?


It might be questionable, but not a cause for rejection as long as you have a fallback behavior when/if the method can not be found. There are worse abuses that have passed.


Well, maybe they think you did it another way, like take the contents of an offscreen UIWebView and displayed it in a plain UIIMage view, or take the HTML content of a page restrict its size and render it in a UIWebView.

I'd like to know how to "take the contents of an offscreen UIWebView and displayed it in a plain UIIMage view". Any tips?
You can use -renderInContext. If you need more details, start a new questions since it is hard to post code in comments.
+3  A: 

wouldn't it be a lot simpler to do this:

if ([scroller respondsToSelector: @selector(setScrollingEnabled:)]) [scroller setScrollingEnabled: NO]

This avoids any of the potential method calls they might scan your binary for (not sure how they verify 'legality'). It's still not 100% kosher, but definitely safer.

Ben Gottlieb
+1  A: 

Yes this is considered illegal. I actually received a 'warning' saying that setSCrollingEnabled was part of a private framework. They approved the app but said that I needed to remove this call for the next update I submit.

Alex Argo
+1  A: 

I just got my app rejected because of using setScrollingEnabled, so BEWARE!

Their message: "The non-public API that is included in your application is setScrollingEnabled"

+1  A: 

If the method isn't in the .h file, it's private. It's a pretty simple rule. The fact you need to perform any runtime "shenanigans" for a simple message send should be telling.

Will Hartung

This works –

UIScrollView *scrollView = [[myWebView subviews] lastObject]; scrollView.scrollEnabled = FALSE;

This fixes the problem, while also keeping the links click-able, any scrollViews it’s embedded in scrollable, and uses only public API’s.

I found that the javascript solutions prevented the WebViews from working correctly if it was embedded in a UIScrollView and setting userInteractionEnabled to false prevented links in the webView from being click-able.
