I want to know when a user is touching the screen but not moving. Doing it in a pseudo fashion is simple enough - I know how many touches I have just by using touchesBegan and touchesEnded, but the problem is that only touchesMoved sends events. No events are sent if you aren't moving. This is being used to have a nice sliding scroll - you can fling the scrolling and it will continue to scroll even after you've released, but it will immediately stop if your finger is down but not moving. I can't just set a fingerDown boolean in touchesMoved and then set it false in my loop (where the scrolling and sliding is happening), because they're not synchronized.
Basically, I want to simulate having a touchesNotMoved event - whenever you are moving, a certain bool is true, when you're not moving, it's false.
Also please don't ask me why I'm not just using Apple's scrolling - there's a good reason that has nothing to do with this question. :-)