




For a while now I've seen a lot of blog posts about NDepend and how useful it can be, but I've never been able to try it as I don't work in .Net. A couple days ago I saw that a C++ version was released. Finally a version I can try.

The features look cool and interesting, but I'm having trouble seeing where it would be useful. I can think of some CQL queries that would be interesting, but nothing that would actually help improve the code.

For those of you who have used NDepend or CppDepend, what kinds of things have you found useful? What tips or tricks do you have for using it to help improve your code?

+2  A: 

CppDepend is a tool that complements other static analysis tools; it’s focused more in architecture and design than implementation, so you can have a macro vision for your projects. For example you can see dependency between projects and classes, evaluate coupling and cohesion for your classes, and detect which classes or methods are more used, detect dependency cycles,layering and other functionalities.

So the goal is to improve design,quality and architecture of your projects.

you can find many articles here http://www.ndepend.com/Tips.aspx to explain how we can use NDepend and CQL to detect design problems and improve the architecture.