I am asking for help on self-help, which is kind of an oxymoron. How do I bug you nice folks less by solving more of my own problems?
I am in my last week of Java programming and I am having a huge hurdle with learning Java. I have read all the books but I keep getting hung up on tiny little issues. It is like trying to build a house of cards. I only know about the parts of the syntax and the uses that the book shows. When I am combining things, I run into horrible hurdles. I try for hours of tinkering to figure them out. The sun docs only show basic uses that don't seem to help
Here is what I would like:
When I am trying something and it doesn't work like the following manipulations of an array list, I want to find a place or program that can show examples code of things like adding an additional class instance to an arrayList. Where can I learn concisely about this without having to ask a question or 2 for every syntax error? Where is the Google for Java? Is there a program that will take your errors and show you how to fix them (or offer suggestions)?
/tmp/jc_4083/Inventory.java:101: incompatible types
found : RatedDVD[]
required: java.util.ArrayList
dvdlist = temp;
/tmp/jc_4083/Inventory.java:110: array required, but java.util.ArrayList found
if (p != dvdlist[i]) {
/tmp/jc_4083/Inventory.java:111: array required, but java.util.ArrayList found
temp[i-adj] = dvdlist[i];
/tmp/jc_4083/Inventory.java:115: incompatible types
found : RatedDVD[]
required: java.util.ArrayList
dvdlist = temp;
Here is my code for this class if anyone is interested in looking at it for me:
//Contruct inv and allow for methods add, get, size, sort, and value
import java.util.*;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
public class Inventory
{// class Inventory
private ArrayList<RatedDVD> dvdlist;// declare dvdlist as ArrayList of RatedDVD
private int numDVDs;
public Inventory()
{// method Inventory
dvdlist = new ArrayList<RatedDVD>();
}// end method
// add & get
public RatedDVD get(int i){return dvdlist.get(i);}// method get
public void add(DVD d){
dvdlist = dvdlist d;
}// method add
public double value()
{// method value
double total = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dvdlist.size(); i++)
{// for every pass thru dvdlist add total
// [DEBUG] consider enhanced for
total += get(i).feeValue();
return total;
}// end method value
public void sort()
{// method sort
// [DEBUG] consider optimization
int n = dvdlist.size();
for (int search = 1; search < n; search++)
{// for do the following and increment till dvdlist has been searched
for (int i = 0; i < n-search; i++)
{// for step through comparison for entire dvdlist
if (dvdlist.get(i).getName().compareToIgnoreCase(dvdlist.get(i+1).getName()) > 0)
{// if swap necessary then swap
RatedDVD temp = dvdlist.get(i);
}// end if swap
}// end for compareto
}// end outer for
}// end method sort
public int size(){return dvdlist.size();}// method size
public void save() {
// save it to C:\data\inventory.dat
public void save(boolean saveagain) {
try {
BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("c:\\data\\inventory.dat"));
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
RatedDVD dvd = get(i);
w.write( dvd.getItem() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.getName() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.getRating() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.getUnits() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.getPrice() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.value() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.fee() + "\n");
w.write( dvd.feeValue() + "\n");
// total value of it
//w.write( value() + "\n");
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (saveagain) {
new File("c:\\data\\").mkdir(); // make file if doesn't exist
public int search(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { // check if name string is equal
if (get(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return i;
return -1; // we didn't find anything
// add a new dvd to the end, increasing the array size
public void add(RatedDVD p) {
RatedDVD[] temp = new RatedDVD[dvdlist.size()+1];
for (int i = 0; i < dvdlist.size(); i++) {
temp[i] = dvdlist[i];
temp[temp.length-1] = p; // add it at the end
dvdlist = temp;
// remove a DVD from the array, and shrink the array size
public void delete(RatedDVD p) {
RatedDVD[] temp = new RatedDVD[dvdlist.size()-1];
int adj = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dvdlist.size(); i++) {
if (p != dvdlist[i]) {
temp[i-adj] = dvdlist[i];
else adj = 1;
dvdlist = temp;
public int highestNumber() {
int numb = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dvdlist.size(); i++) {
if (get(i).getItem() > numb) {
numb = get(i).getItem();
return numb;
}// end class inventory