




My understanding of Magento is that you can only have 2 themes loaded at any one time. ( according to the Magento design guide)

Also, that there is two types of themes - default and non-default (i.e. default contain all possible options, non-default override a subset).

All the documentation I've read says that both default and non-default themes are set in the configuration-> section. I don't see how I can have a customised default theme (not called default) and non-default theme at the same time. Do I have to rename my theme to default in order to use non-default themes?


I had the wrong idea.... 3 themes are loaded.

According to the hierarchy, from lowest priority to highest-

default - this theme must be called default. I will be planning on using the magento default theme untouched as this theme. This cannot be currently overwriten.

your custom default theme - specified in configuration->design->theme->default I will be using the Magento blank theme as base for developing an everyday store theme.

your custom non-default theme - specified in configuration->design->theme->(layout, templates and skin) I will be using this to create special occasion themes, e.g. Christmas or sale, that will override only a subset of the default theme.
