I have some data in SPSS that I would like to format in a particular way, but I can't seem to find a way to do it in the documentation.
I have data that consists of 10 question responses, Q1 to Q10, with a Q1 to Q10 for each value of a variable SPEAKER within a variable SESSION. For example, each session can have up to five speakers, for for session 1 I might have data in Q1 to Q10 for speaker 1 and 2, but nothing for the others. The raw data looks something like this:
001A0123012301B0123012301C D E
So that's session 001 with speakers A through E where A and B have data (Q1 to Q10, one column each) and the rest don't. Notice that only four responses are possible on Q1 to Q10, and below I'll label these R1, R2, R3, and R4. Hopefully that's more detail than you're going to need.
I want to generate one table per session that looks something like this:
Session 001 Question | Speaker 1 | Speaker 2 | Speaker 3 | Speaker 4 | Speaker 5 R1 10 15 0 0 0 Q1 R2 9 4 0 0 0 R3 0 1 0 0 0 R4 2 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- R1 ... Q2 R2 ... R3 ... R4 ...
The documentation seems to suggest that
will do what I want, but it doesn't. Any ideas on how I can get the desired result?
ETA: For anyone it might help, here is the actual syntax I used, with a few details changed to remove identifying information of our client.
set printback=no. set width = 80 / highres = off. TITLE 'Speaker Evaluations'. INPUT PROGRAM. FILE HANDLE IN /NAME='C:\Documents and Settings\gworley\Desktop\Surveys\hrfse\hrfse.sdf' . DATA LIST FILE=IN FIXED RECORDS=1 /1 BATCH 1-3. REPEATING DATA STARTS=4 / OCCURS=5 /DATA= SPEAKER 1 (A) Q1 TO Q10 2-11. END INPUT PROGRAM. VARIABLE LABLES SPEAKER "Speaker" / Q1 "Speaker's knowledge of the subject" / Q2 "Speaker's effectiveness in communicating information"/ Q3 'The usefulness of the information presented'/ Q4 "Speaker's response to audience questions"/ Q5 'The pace of this course or panel'/ Q6 'Clarity and organization'/ Q7 'Focus on up-to-date issues'/ Q8 'Overall session rating'/ Q9 "Would you recommend this speaker for next year's conference"/ Q10 'Did this speaker try to sell their services'/. Missing values Q1 to Q8 (4 thru high)/ Q9 to Q10 (2 thru high). VALUE LABELS SPEAKER 'A' 'Speaker 1' 'B' 'Speaker 2' 'C' 'Speaker 3' 'D' 'Speaker 4' 'E' 'Speaker 5' / Q1 to Q8 0 'Poor' 1 'Fair' 2 'Good' 3 'Excellent' / Q9 to Q10 0 'No' 1 'Yes'. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Q1 to Q10 / STATISTICS=ALL. CROSSTABS /TABLES=Q1 to Q10 BY SPEAKER BY BATCH /CELLS= COUNT COLUMN .