In the code below, I take some input parameters, either text or a cell, and combine them to form one string using the formatting I need. I need to make Task_Name bold, as well as text like "Lead :". I know you cannot make text in a variable bold, but how do I go about this? This cell I'm storing the value in is eventually used in a Word mail merge.
I need to format part of a string. In the code below, I need to make Task_Name, "Lead : ", etc. all bold.
Function GENERATE_STAFFING_SECTION(Task_Name, Lead_By, Members, Instructions)
Dim tmpSection As String
If Len(Task_Name > 0) And Len(Lead_By) > 0 And Len(Members) > 0 And Len(Instructions) > 0 Then
tmpSection = vbLf _
& Task_Name _
& vbLf & "Lead : " & Lead_By _
& vbLf & "Ambassadors : " & Members _
& vbLf & "Instructions : " & Instructions _
& vbLf
tmpSection = ""
End If
End Function
Also, I know it's not the cleanest code, so if there are any other suggestions for improving it, they are most welcome.