




If I wanted to represent states or options or something similar using binary "flags" so that I could pass them and store them to an object like OPTION1 | OPTION2 where OPTION1 is 0001 and OPTION2 is 0010, so that what gets passed is 0011, representing a mix of the options.

How would I do this in C++? I was thinking something like

enum Option {
    Option_1 = 0x01,
    Option_2 = 0x02,
    Option_3 = 0x04,

void doSomething(Option options) {

int main() {

But then ideally, doSomething knows how to interpret the given Option.

Am I on the right track? Is there a better way?


And wouldn't I have to define an Option for every possible combination, also?

+4  A: 

This is a common way these things are done. doSomething can use bitwise and operator to see if an option is selected:

if (options & Option_1){ 
  // option 1 is selected

Alternatively, you can consider using bit fields:

struct Options {
    unsigned char Option_1 : 1;
    unsigned char Option_2 : 1;

Options o;
o.Option_1 = 1;
o.Option_2 = 0;
Mehrdad Afshari
What are bit fields? How would I use them?
Austin Hyde
Austin: see the link I posted and the sample in my answer.
Mehrdad Afshari
Damn, 4 years of professional C++ development, and I had NEVER even heard or read about bit fields!
Gotta be careful about bitfields, though, as outlined here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ewwyfdbe%28VS.71%29.aspx
+3  A: 

That'd be the way I'd do it. However there are many tricks you can use to make the enumeration a little more readable:

enum Option {
    Option1 = 1 /*<< 0*/,
    Option2 = 1 << 1,
    Option3 = 1 << 2,
    // etc.

What is more, you'll need to specify bitwise operators for your enumeration. Consider something like ASL's enum_ops utilities to help out with this.

I use this style as well, much less confusing and totally nifty!
+1  A: 

Its worth noting that the way people usually use such flags is to define the function as follows:

void doSomething( unsigned int options ) 

everything else will work exactly as you want :)

The other way is to create your own "Flags" class. Then you have a couple of functions as follows in the class:

bool GetOption( Option option )
    return (m_Option & option) > 0;

void SetOption( Option option )
    m_Option |= option;

void ClearOption( Option option )
    m_Option &= ~option;

or even overload the operators to do exactly as you'd like e.g:

Flags( unsigned int options ) :
   m_Option( options )

Flags operator|( const Flags& flags )
    return Flags( m_Option | flags.m_Option );

and so on.

Not ideal in the spirit of data hiding, however. If your number of options later exceeds 32, you'd be forced to change your code.
True ... the version i wrote of this actually used a template parameter
+1  A: 

You may want to check out the stl bitset. Some people would preach that you should always use those instead of C-style bitflags. However, both solutions are fine IMO.
