Normally if you do a find and maybe an insert, then you want to keep (and retrieve) the old value if it already existed. If you just want to overwrite any old value, map[foo_obj]="some value"
will do that.
Here's how you get the old value, or insert a new one if it didn't exist, with one map lookup:
typedef std::map<Foo*,std::string> M;
typedef M::iterator I;
std::pair<I,bool> const& r=my_map.insert(M::value_type(foo_obj,"some value"));
if (r.second) {
// value was inserted; now my_map[foo_obj]="some value"
} else {
// value wasn't inserted because my_map[foo_obj] already existed.
// note: the old value is available through r.first->second
// and may not be "some value"
// in any case, r.first->second holds the current value of my_map[foo_obj]
This is a common enough idiom that you may want to use a helper function:
template <class M,class Key>
typename M::mapped_type &
get_else_update(M &m,Key const& k,typename M::mapped_type const& v) {
return m.insert(typename M::value_type(k,v)).first->second;
get_else_update(my_map,foo_obj,"some value");
If you have an expensive computation for v you want to skip if it already exists (e.g. memoization), you can generalize that too:
template <class M,class Key,class F>
typename M::mapped_type &
get_else_compute(M &m,Key const& k,F f) {
typedef typename M::mapped_type V;
std::pair<typename M::iterator,bool> r=m.insert(typename M::value_type(k,V()));
V &v=r.first->second;
if (r.second)
return v;
where e.g.
struct F {
void operator()(std::string &val) const
{ val=std::string("some value")+" that is expensive to compute"; }
If the mapped type isn't default constructible, then make F provide a default value, or add another argument to get_else_compute.