Hi, I have lost my private key for iPhone Distribution Certificate during OS upgrade. Now I want to upload new iPhone App to App Store and that requires me to sign App with iPhone Distribution Profile/Certificate. Is there any way to create new iPhone Distribution Certificate. I did not find any "New.." option there on developer portal. One more question is that must that I have to code sign with iPhone Distribution Certificate to submit on App Store? Can I codesign and upload on App Store with iPhone Development certificate? Thanks In Advance...
Revoke your current certificate, wait a few seconds and refresh the page and you should see a button "Request Certificate". You'll have to follow the Certificate Signing Request instructions again, and upload the .csr file. You'll then have to wait for your Team Administrator (could well be you) to Accept the new certificate before downloading it and installing in your KeyChain.
You'll have to create a new provisioning profile for the App, using the new certificate.
Hope this helps :)
Finally, I could manage to resolve the issue by revoking the certificate. "Revoke" your certificate is the only way to go. Thanks to all for answers and suggestions. (Not sure about what will happen to previously submitted Apps, I didn't have any other option at all :) )
Could you please confirm application updates still work after recreating your certificate?
When we uploaded our .app file to first time to appstore we used one mac book. But when we are trying to update same app from iTunes, using different mac we are not able to successed. Saying A valid siging identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain.
I understood the problem is we are not using the mac machine on which we created this distribution provision file using the keychain.
But right now we dont have that mac. What will be the possible solution. Can I create a fresh distribution provision file using same app id in new mac using new keychain certificate?
Please help
Thanks Shiva