why not use some kind of super simple fibonacci arithmetic or something like it to produce coordinates directly in base 10. Use the two starting numbers as the seeds. It won't produce random numbers suitable for monte carlo or anything like that, but they should be all right for a game. I'm not a programer or a mathmatician and have never tried to code anything so I couldn't do it for you.....
edit - something like f1 = some seed then f2 = some seed and G = (sqrt(5) + 1) / 2....
then some kind of loop. Xn = Xn-1 + Xn-2 mod(G) mod(1) (should produce a decimal between 0 and 1) and then multiply by what ever and take the least significant digits
and perhaps to prevent decay for as long as the numbers need to be produced...
an initial reseeding point at which f1 and f2 will be reseeded based on the generators own output, which will prevent the sequence of numbers being able to be described by a closed expression so...
if counter = initial reseeding point f1 = Xn and f2 = Xn - something. and... reseeding point is set to ceiling Xn * some multiplier.
so it's period should end when identical values for Xn and Xn - something are re-fed into f1 and f2, which shouldn't happen for at least what ever bit length you are using for the numbers.
.... I mean, that's my best guess...