I have an application which has been running happily, but since I updated to OS3.1 and updated the SDK the application is failing to log onto a remote server, passing a connection string to the stringWithContentsOfUrl function.
Before the update this was working fine, and if I copy the text string which is displayed on the NSLog statement and paste that into a browser, then I get the correct response, however, this is replying with "LOGIN_ERROR" indicating failure.
Any idea why this is now failing and how to fix it?
NSString* userName = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"username_pref"];
NSString* password = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"password_pref"];
NSString* loginUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://website.com/API/login?email=%@&password=%@", userName, password];
NSLog (@"Logging in as %@ using %@ at [%@]", userName, password, loginUrl);
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:loginUrl];
NSString* loginDetails = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:nil];
if ([loginDetails compare:@"\"LOGIN_ERROR\""] == NSOrderedSame)
DLog (@"Login Failed : LOGIN_ERROR");
self.isLoggedIn = NO;
DLog (@"Login Success");
if (userDetails) {
[userDetails release];
NSDictionary* jsonData = [loginDetails JSONValue];
userDetails = [[[DMUserDetails alloc] init] retain];
userDetails.id = [[jsonData objectForKey:@"id"] intValue];
userDetails.api_token = [jsonData objectForKey:@"api_token"];
userDetails.full_name = [jsonData objectForKey:@"full_name"];
userDetails.mobile_number = [jsonData objectForKey:@"mobile_number"];
userDetails.mobile_host = [jsonData objectForKey:@"mobile_host"];
userDetails.email = [jsonData objectForKey:@"email"];
userDetails.twitter = [jsonData objectForKey:@"twitter"];
userDetails.jabber = [jsonData objectForKey:@"jabber"];
userDetails.msn = [jsonData objectForKey:@"msn"];
userDetails.start_page = [jsonData objectForKey:@"start_page"];
userDetails.date_format = [[jsonData objectForKey:@"date_format"] intValue];
userDetails.time_format = [[jsonData objectForKey:@"time_format"] intValue];
userDetails.sort_order = [[jsonData objectForKey:@"sort_order"] intValue];
userDetails.timezone = [jsonData objectForKey:@"timezone"];
userDetails.tz_offset = [jsonData objectForKey:@"tz_offset"];
userDetails.premium_until = [jsonData objectForKey:@"premium_until"];
userDetails.default_reminder = [jsonData objectForKey:@"default_reminder"];
self.isLoggedIn = YES;
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(didFinishLogon) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];