An interface defines the methods an object is commited to respond.
When you code to the interface, you can change the underlying object and your code will still work ( because your code is agnostic of WHO do perform the job or HOW the job is performed ) You gain flexibility this way.
When you code to a particular implementation, if you need to change the underlying object your code will most likely break, because the new object may not respond to the same methods.
So to put a clear example:
If you need to hold a number of objects you might have decided to use a Vector.
If you need to access the first object of the Vector you could write:
Vector items = new Vector();
// fill it
Object first = items.firstElement();
So far so good.
Later you decided that because for "some" reason you need to change the implementation ( let's say the Vector creates a bottleneck due to excessive synchronization)
You realize you need to use an ArrayList instad.
Well, you code will break ...
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
// fill it
Object first = items.firstElement(); // compile time error.
You can't. This line and all those line who use the firstElement() method would break.
If you need specific behavior and you definitely need this method, it might be ok ( although you won't be able to change the implementation ) But if what you need is to simply retrieve the first element ( that is , there is nothing special with the Vector other that it has the firstElement() method ) then using the interface rather than the implementation would give you the flexibility to change.
List items = new Vector();
// fill it
Object first = items.get( 0 ); //
In this form you are not coding to the get method of Vector, but to the get method of List.
It does not matter how do the underlying object performs the method, as long as it respond to the contract of "get the 0th element of the collection"
This way you may later change it to any other implementation:
List items = new ArrayList(); // Or LinkedList or any other who implements List
// fill it
Object first = items.get( 0 ); // Doesn't break
This sample might look naive, but is the base on which OO technology is based ( even on those language which are not statically typed like Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, Objective-C etc )
A more complex example is the way JDBC works. You can change the driver, but most of your call will work the same way. For instance you could use the standard driver for oracle databases or you could use one more sophisticated like the ones Weblogic or Webpshere provide . Of course it isn't magical you still have to test your product before, but at least you don't have stuff like:
Something similar happens with Java Swing.
Additional reading:
Design Principles from Design Patterns
Effective Java Item: Refer to objects by their interfaces
( Buying this book the one of the best things you could do in life - and read if of course - )