I have a workorder system using SQL Express 2008. I have a table called Workorders that has several personnel that are linked to it via UserID. In the Workorder table I have TechID for the Technician, CustomerID for the Customer, QAID for quality assurance. These are linked back to the User Table via UserID (User Table PK). I want to join the tables to return Technician Name, Customer Name, and QA Name from the User Table and other job information information from the Workorder Table. I have no idea how to construct the join.
What about something a bit like this :
select tech.name as tech_name,
customer.name as customer_name,
qa.name as qa_name
from Workorders
inner join User as tech on tech.userId = Workorders.techId
inner join User as customer on customer.useId = Workorders.CustomerId
inner join User as qa on qa.useId = Workorders.QAID
(Might need some tunning, but the idea should be here)
ie, you are :
- starting with a workorder
- inner join on its tech guy (a User),
- and then inner joinning on its customer (another user)
- and so on
And this allows you to get each name, using the right alias in the select clause.
Note that I used aliases in the select clause too -- that might be usefull to have "worker_name" and "tech_name", instead of just two columns names "name" -- especially if you are calling this query from some other programming language.
Note : if one of those userId field can be NULL, you might want to use a left join, instead of an inner join.
2009-09-13 11:44:24
Did you mean to use the same table name in all of your joins?
2009-09-13 14:52:33
Not really :-( Not "workorders", at least -- I've edited, to use User table for each user...
2009-09-13 15:13:41
select tus.Name as 'TechnicianName',
cus.Name as 'CustomerName',
qus.Name as 'QaName',
from WorkOrders wod
left outer join
Users tus on tus.UserId = wod.TechId
left outer join
Users cus on cus.UserId = wod.CustomerId
left outer join
Users qus on qus.UserId = wod.QaId
Ian Kemp
2009-09-13 12:05:55