I am creating an image dynamically using php. The image is being created if I go in and make the file first. However, if I don't create the file manually then I get the following error.
Warning: imagegif() [function.imagegif]: Unable to open 'filename2.png' for writing in /www/vhosts/yourraceresults.com/htdocs/trial/TextToImage.inc.php on line 144
public function SaveTextAsPng($fontSize, $x, $y, $textContent, $fileName='image'){
imagestring($this->image, $fontSize, $x, $y, $textContent, $this->text_color);
return imagepng($this->image, "/www/vhosts/yourraceresults.com/htdocs/admin/trial/images/".$fileName.".png");
$textToImage->SaveTextAsPng(10, 11,11, 'fakeinfo','filename2');