I need help understanding some C++ operator overload statements. The class is declared like this:
template <class key_t, class ipdc_t>
class ipdc_map_template_t : public ipdc_lockable_t
typedef map<key_t,
less<key_t>> map_t;
The creator of the class has created an iterator for the internal map structure:
struct iterator : public map_t::iterator
iterator() {}
iterator(const map_t::iterator & it)
: map_t::iterator(it) {}
iterator(const iterator & it)
: map_t::iterator(
*static_cast<const map_t::iterator *>(&it)) {}
operator key_t() {return ((this->operator*()).first);} // I don't understand this.
operator ipdc_t*() const {return ((this->operator*()).second);} // or this.
And begin() and end() return the begin() and end() of the map:
iterator begin() {IT_ASSERT(is_owner()); return map.begin();}
iterator end() {return map.end();}
My question is, if I have an iterator, how do I use those overloads to get the key and the value?
ipdc_map_template_t::iterator iter;
for( iter = my_instance.begin();
iter != my_instance.end();
++iter )
key_t my_key = ??????;
ipdc_t *my_value = ??????;