



Is there a way to move a path on screen by (x,y) pixels using directly a CGPathRef instead of walking through its points and lines again in drawRect method? I want to be reusing my old CGPathRef when I want to move it on screen instead of recreating it with new pixels.


Depending on your needs, you could just translate the drawing context via CGContextTranslateCTM before drawing your path (then restore the old context, either with push/popping contexts, or inverting the translation). You might also like CGPathApply, which will call a function for every path element in the path (so you can translate the points by hand).

Adam Wright
first of all my path just contains points and lines and I use only the functions ..MoveToPoint and ..AddLineToPoint methods to draw them. From the performance perspective does it differ to perform a for loop with the points of the path than using CGPathApply method?