



Hi there!

I'm using PHP's gettext() for simply transform a website to an other language. The solution worked fine (English/Hungarian) until now because i need to add a Norwegian translation to a new site.

When i set the Norwegian locale with setlocale(LC_ALL, "nb_NO.ISO8859-1"); gettext() only returns the base string not the translated one.

Is this related with my operating systems' installed locales (en_US.UTF-8, hu_HU.UTF-8) so i need to add the Norwegian one too or something else causing this?

Thanks for your help, fabrik


Yes, IIRC, you need to have locale on the system to make it work.

Michael Krelin - hacker
Thanks for your confirmation. I was confused because i didn't want to add another locale to my system without real reason. As i added it works like a charm! Thanks again!
you're welcome ;)
Michael Krelin - hacker