



I have a UIWebView which I want to put under my translucent UINavigationBar. Normally when I put a UIScrollView under a translucent UINavigationBar, I set its contentOffset such that all content will be initially pushed after the bar so that it can be seen; thereafter, the user can scroll text and it will underlap the bar.

The problem is that UIWebView appears not to be a proper subclass of UIScrollView; thus, I can't use setContentOffset. Does anyone have any tips or tricks on getting a UIWebView to look good with a translucent navigation bar? Thanks.

+1  A: 

I am not sure if there is a clean method to doing this. I have not tried it, but here is an idea:

  1. draw the uiwebview at origin 0,0
  2. intercept all screen touches
  3. if you detect the user dragging up (scrolling up the webview), dont pass the touch on
  4. Instead, move the webview up x pixels so its origin is (0,-x). Then change the height to add x pixels
  5. Youy will need to keep some sort of state so that you know when to stop resizing the webview and start passing on the touches so the webview will scroll.

Getting it back is the same only you do it on a drag down (scrolling down the webview).


Another way to possibly do this is to insert a div in the html code you are rendering so that it is spaced out up on the top of the page. make sure you set your zoom correctly and set the uiwebviews origin to (0, -x) to begin with.


I achieved this by setting the UIWebView subviews to not clip to bounds, then I could put a toolbar on top of it and get the desired effect:

for (UIView *subview in theWebView.subviews) {
    subview.clipsToBounds = NO;