ggplot produces aesthetically pleasing graphs, but I don't have the gumption to try and publish any ggplot output yet.
Until the day comes, here is how I have been making the aforementioned graphs. I use a graphics package called 'gplots' in order to get the standard error bars (using data I've calculated already). Note that this code provides for two or more factors for each class/category. This requires the data to go in as a matrix and for the "beside=TRUE" command in the "barplot2" function to keep the bars from being stacked.
# Create the data (means) matrix
# Using the matrix accommodates two or more factors for each class
data.m <- matrix(c(75,34,19, 39,90,41), nrow = 2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Factor 1", "Factor 2"),
c("Class A", "Class B", "Class C")))
# Create the standard error matrix
error.m <- matrix(c(12,10,7, 4,7,3), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow=TRUE)
# Join the data and s.e. matrices into a data frame <- data.frame(data.m, error.m)
# load library {gplots}
# Plot the bar graph, with standard errors
barplot2(data.m, beside=TRUE, axes=T, las=1, ylim = c(0,120),
main=" ", sub=" ", col=c("gray20",0),
xlab="Class", ylab="Total amount (Mean +/- s.e.)",, ci.u=data.m+error.m, ci.l=data.m-error.m, ci.lty=1))
# Now, give it a legend:
legend("topright", c("Factor 1", "Factor 2"), fill=c("gray20",0),box.lty=0)
It is pretty plain-Jane, aesthetically, but seems to be what most journals/old professors want to see.
I'd post the graph produced by these example data, but this is my first post on the site. Sorry. One should be able to copy-paste the whole thing (after installing the "gplots" package) without problem.