



I'm about 2 weeks into a project using ASP.NET MVC/Ninject2 and have a heap of unit tests using Moq and some integration tests using Cassini. Up until yesterday, everything passed in Studio 2008 using TestDriven.NET. "Test with Coverage" worked like a champ.

After some new code was added, I now simply get an empty Coverage.xml files ONLY when I Right-Click "Test with Coverage" on the root folder of the Tests project. All tests pass though.

If I Right-Click "Test with Coverage" all of the tests files individually, one by one, they all run, pass and NcoverExplorer shows results. (a non empty Coverage.xml).

If I go so far as to run ncover/nunit console against the tests dll in it's Debug directory, all tests pass and I get a NON empty Coverage.xml.

I rolled back to the previous changeset, and added changes line by line until I discovered the one line that when removed allows Test with Coverage to work on the whole project at once, and when re-added, kills coverage on the entire project in studio:

Dim serializer As ISerializationService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(GetType(ISerializationService))

That's it. Added that one line of code is preventing coverage.xml from containing any results when I run Test with Coverage on the entire tests project at once.

Anyone have any idea what's going on? I looked at the coverage.log file, but nothing inthere stodd out as a problem amunngst the usual noise.