
ncover with nunit2 task in NAnt

Is there any chance to get this work? I want my tests to be run by nunit2 task in NAnt. In addition I want to run NCover without running tests again. ...

NCover, TypeMock and MSTest

Hi, has anyone got NCover, TypeMock and MSTest to work together? and if so how. I've had 2 or 3 serious tries at this now and just can't get it to work. I'm using MSTest 9, NCover 2.1 and TypeMock 4.1. Ideally I would like to run them from an MSBuild task. Cheers Mat ...

Code Coverage for Mono?

mono creates its own debug targets called .mdb files when you use the mcs compiler. is there a way of using NCover or another code coverage tool with Mono? a commandline tool would be better so I can add it to our continuous integration server. ...

Code Coverage and Blame

Has anyone seen a tool that will integrate code coverage results with SCM/VCS to attribute untested lines of code to developers? For example, is there a tool that will take NCover's Coverage.Xml, combine it with SVN blame, and produce a report that tells me things like developer who commits most untested code? ...

NCover not picking up web application dlls

Im using NCover 1.5.8, and its doesn't seem to produce and metrics relating to my website applications. The ncover output indicates the tests relating to the website have been run. Is there anything special I need to do for website dlls? ...

NCover on 64-bit system

What do you suggest to use for code coverage on 64-bit environment. It seems that NCover supports 64-bit only in Enterprise version which seems to be quite expensive. Or isn't it? What are people using on 64-bit systems for .NET code coverage? EDIT: I am aware of the CorFlag workaround. I would like to know what others are doing/using. ...

NCover Nunit CruiseControl.NET Task with NCover Addin

Can someone provide me a sample for a ncover task for a nunit dll? ... with Gallio, MbUnit and NCover problems

Hi, Why doesnt TestDriven.Net work with my gallio/mbunit tests? I've used TDD.Net with MbUnit v2 and not had any problems, but with the new gallio release on my new pc, it does nothing. From the tdd right click menu in solution explorer, if i do "test with debugger" i get "0 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped" in the VS status bar at the bot...

Does NCover output the correct XML version for my XSL?

I generate a coverage.xml output file with the following command. "C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" //reg //w "D:\BuildServer\MyCoolWebsite\Working\MyCoolWebsite.Helpers.Tests\bin\Debug" //l "Coverage.log" //a MyCoolWebsite.Helpers //x "D:\BuildServer\MyCoolWebsite\Artifacts\buildlogs\coverage.xml" "C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.4...

alternatives to NCover?

Having problems with merging multiple ncover reports into one big report, I'm looking for a free alternative to ncover. It should have to possiblity to work with nunit, where nunit is configured to run 2 sets of tests on the same assembly (one set of tests is database independent, the other set requires a configured database). In the en...

NCover on 64 bit - CorFlags fix - corflags : error CF008 : The specified file does not have a valid managed header

I'm trying to apply a fix to allow NCover v1.5.5 to run on Windows Server 2008 X64 via my TeamCity Continuous Integration server as outlined on this blog: Here is my log: [09:47:04]: run-unit-tests: [09:47:04]: [echo] Running NCover: tools\ncover\NCov...

Getting NCover to work on .Net 4.0 Beta 1

I'm the author of Gallio which includes NCover integration so I was curious to see what NCover would do on .Net 4.0 Beta 1. I didn't expect it to work (it didn't). However I'm curious as to whether anyone could enlighten me as regards the error message since it suggests a workaround that might be useful to NCover v1.5.8 community edit...

Should I Use a Code Coverage Tool?

I'm interested in using a code coverage tool for my next .NET project but was wondering if it is necessary for me? I'm the only developer in the company I work for, so would using NCover be a benefit to me or is it just for large teams using continuous integration? Thanks ...

TestDriven.NET vs NCover

The company I work at is going to buy some software tools for me to use, but I do have a budget to work with. I have some unit tests written for NUnit, and am looking at getting TestDriven.NET, NCover, or perhaps both. I'm using Visual Studio 2008. My questions are: Is there a good reason to get both of them? If you had to choose o...

NCover Exclusion Rules

I have a couple of questions related to NCover 1) I'm using MSBuild to build my project, in my .proj file I specify exclusions like so: Assembly /Testing.*/i true In terms of the exclusion type, if I have a .exe file would my pattern match it as well as a DLL? 2) Does NCover,...

NCover, Mbunit, command line Profiler connection can not connect?

I am trying to use NCover 1.5.8 with Mbunit I am using the following example from a bat file. I everytime I try running this, it tells that I can not connect to the NCOVER process? SET NCOVERPATH=C:\Code\rsinetmvc\branches\web_app\trunk\build_tools\ncover\ REM Target path for assembly output, and report output. SET TARGETPATH...

Use attribute to omit code from coverage analysis in Visual Studio

I have some classes that, for one reason or another, cannot be or need not be unit tested. I'd like to exclude these classes from my coverage metrics so that I can get a better feel for the coverage on the classes I actually care about. Right now I have to exclude the results after the fact. What I would like to do is use an attribute...

ncover merge reports

we are using NCover from For our application we have 6 different solution and we create report for each solution. In NCover explore there is MergeData option which I can use to merge all Coverage.xml. But I want some functionality from command line which I can use in NANT script, has anybody got any idea how to do...

Ncover not covering the code in child process of the test.dll (which is started using Process.start) in C#

I want to get coverage of let's say CoverageTarget.dll. I have a test.dll to run the nunit tests, which starts a child process childTestApp.exe(which tests some of the code in CoverageTarget.dll) using the Process.Start method in the process of testing. in the results i am not able to see the code covered by the childTestApp.exe. this...

Where to get NCover from?

Hi - I realise NCover has gone commercial. I am looking for teh free version. Where do i get the latest free version of NCover? The NCover website only talks about a trial version of the commercial product, not the free version. ...