I generate a coverage.xml output file with the following command.
"C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" //reg //w "D:\BuildServer\MyCoolWebsite\Working\MyCoolWebsite.Helpers.Tests\bin\Debug" //l "Coverage.log" //a MyCoolWebsite.Helpers //x "D:\BuildServer\MyCoolWebsite\Artifacts\buildlogs\coverage.xml" "C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.4.8\bin\nunit-console.exe" "D:\BuildServer\MyCoolWebsite\Working\MyCoolWebsite.Helpers.Tests\MyCoolWebsite.Helpers.Tests.nunit"
Then I try to parse the xml using the xsls from the C:\Program Files\NCover\CC.Net folder. The result is an almost empty html file.
The reason for this is that the xsl expects the following:
coverage -> module -> method -> seqpnt -> @visitcount
While the xml has a structure that looks like this
coverage -> module -> class -> method -> seqpnt -> @vc
Does NCover output the correct XML version for my XSL? Is there a setting I am missing?