I have a Win32 application that includes an EXE, an ActiveX control (DLL) and a COM server (EXE) and I am using Inno Setup 5 to build my installer. Many of our customers use limited user accounts where the user has no admin rights and because the COM components require to be registered (which writes to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT), my setup file must run with elevated (admin) privileges. I think this in unavoidable (sadly, I can't use registration-free COM because of the EXE COM server I have). However, I would like to create an update installer that can be ran as a limited user and am looking for some advice.
What I am thinking is the following:
- The initial setup (first time installation) installs the application into %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\CompanyName\AppName instead of %PROGRAMFILES%. The COM components are registered as normal (as they won't already exist).
- Subsequent updates (using a different Inno Setup script) will simply copy the new files into %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\CompanyName\AppName. Hopefully even a limited user will have write access to this folder and as the COM components have already been registered, admin access won't be required.
This would mean that my customers could upgrade to the latest and greatest version without the hassle of using an Administrator account. Is this acceptable or is this likely to bite me on the backside? I'm pretty sure Google Chrome does something similar but as it has no COM components (as far as I can tell) even the initial setup can be as a limited user.
Any advice from others who have faced this issue would be very welcome indeed.